Oui, oui

Oui, oui

Friday 28 October 2011

Amsterdam and Le Malaise de L'Orange

In the comment section of my last post, you'll find the most fantastic news I have recently had. My long lost, sad, helpless orange has made contact with me from across the world.

Let me explain...

I was in Amsterdam this summer with my sister. After 10 days of mayhem we decided to leave a parting gift to the pop-up city of quasi-subsiding architecture and canals.

This wonderful little orange was abandoned by us, on a bridge. I should say this wasn't just any bridge, we had highs and lows right there, and now we were trusting it with the fruit. Big tings a gwarn.

Anyway, we waited for a while. I'm not going to lie to you, a lot of people ignored the poor fella. Most people didn't even care for a glance.

At one point I decided to walk past it, like an unsuspecting renegade bridge walking pedestrian fiend; I TRIED not to look at it, but nope - it was definitely there. So why wouldn't people pick him up, take him home...I mean the dude had a sad face and yet there were some who looked and saw le malaise de l'orange but scampered nonetheless.


These girls showed up, one girl screamed. Well, by this point neither Giovanna nor I could contain ourselves. We were right there when the orange was picked up, and held in the air and turned around, passed from friend to friend, and cooed over like a little baby! We made someone's day haha. The best part about it was that someone realised their fortune where others had decided to feck it off for a really normal day ahead, without our fruity friend. Unlucky bums.

Long live l'orange!!!

I'd love to find out where he has ended up and what this means for him, as a new chapter in his life.

Please report back!

With heart-felt affection,

Mummy orange. xx

Wednesday 26 October 2011

We are the 99%

I could write about this at length, but the evidence around speaks for itself. More importantly, it seems freedom of speech is nothing short of a farce, and with the rise of social-networking sites, what you say is becoming increasingly dangerous to your safety and security. So, in an act of self-preservation - alongside encouragement and support for the cause - I merely present to you some of the current goings-on.

Though I should say, seeing these images, watching these videos, hearing the discussions and seeing my best friend camped outside St. Paul's Cathedral are among my happiest memories of life so far.

Finally, we're realising that the population of the world exceeds the population of the elite, far-removed, theiving, lying, cheating powers-that-be (that was as objective a statement as I could muster...)!

F*** Capitalism !

Viva la revolution !

Below: Occupy London

Below: Occupy Tahrir

Below: Occupy Wall-Street

Below: Occupy Chicago

I could be here all night. Essentially, it's everywhere. Take a look and get involved.

All over the world , people are occupying areas and making a stand. Against what? Capitalism, and the evils that come with it.

So yeah, let's OCCUPY !!!