Oui, oui

Oui, oui

Monday 27 February 2012

100 Word Play

This is a short script I have submitted to the Young Writers Festival 100 Word Plays 2012. The word count includes everything except the title and the speech indicators, which was much more difficult than I anticipated. Anyone who knows me will understand why...

Hope you like :)


.HUSBAND reads newspaper.

HUSBAND: I hate you repeat yourself. I heard the first time and chose to ignore you. Do not utter those words again. For the sake of progression, could we please move on before the boredom threatens to take my mind?

WIFE: Exactly the kind of thing you would say.

HUSBAND: Indeed.

.WIFE glares. Takes a drag on her cigarette before setting it down.

WIFE: Master like a sandwich?

HUSBAND: What with?

WIFE: Tuna.


.HUSBAND rolls eyes.

HUSBAND: Jesus, you really are a broken record.

WIFE: Bloody well do it yourself then… Show’s over… find another mug…

            .Storms off ranting.

.HUSBAND sighs.

Sunday 12 February 2012

What am I supposed to do?

Should I talk with my arms outstretched
or sing with bare feet?
Should I write by candlelight and then discard the sheet,
With which I ponder despite inevitable defeat.
I have no definitive ideas regarding my path or vocation, and
have little belief in self-innovation.
Do I like who I am? 
Who am I?
Should I ask you?
Will you answer?
Does it matter?
I guess not.
The world is both too small and too big for such questions, and yet
is both too short and too long to avoid them.