Oui, oui

Oui, oui

Monday 21 November 2011

I present to you....


Now, for all you hippidy-hop fans out there, this is for you.

Typically or not, my man Skitz is not easily placed within the confines of genre. He transcends the endless list of categories, merges them, picks bits out, spits over some of it and laughs over the rest. The man is a master of menagerie - and I don't mean animals. In fact, I'm sure if he could incorporate them into his act, he would. So watch out for the panda skanking out, sipping cherry Lambrini, playing the flute in his next video. I gots the exclusive bitches!

One of the only music reviews you'll ever catch me writing - I love the dude.

More to the point, I feel his music celebrates art at street level, without the pomp and ceremony. He talks about what's true to him and what's real out here. When you think about what most people sing a long to, and lyrics that are idolised despite being a real crock of shit, it's a serious wonder why it's come to 2011 without someone saying:

"Yo, STOP - listen to this. Reeeeeeeeeeeal talk."

A true poet, I know him to work for hours on his lyrics. Tongue twisting, hard-hitting, hip-hopgrimereggaedubstepping madness emanates from within him. See him live and he keeps the same promise. A man of his audience, Skittles buzzes off the atmosphere of a set. With humour injected irony and the kind of story-telling that only surfaces through experience; his music is a journey. And, trust me, he takes you along with him.

I've seen him turn a dud Sway gig, into an intimate jam session thrown together with his individually talented music posse. Boy, put anyone up there with him and they'd put something down to rival most of the superficial drivel that's out there selling millions. Everyone got their back off the wall and gathered round to listen. Too many artists see themselves as above the crowd, but Skittles brings us in on his talent.

He's the people's prophet.

I guess a large part of my affection for Skittles as an artist, came from my first experience of his music, on the album '2 Pints of Brandy & a Packet of Skittles'. I won't lie, even amongst the tough-talk of songs like 'We'd Drink', political observations on 'Blair', I was a sucker for the sultry sounds of 'Bababallad'. Nevermind growing up in the hood, I'm still a girl...

Now you'll hear him blasting up your stereo with tracks like Dot2Dot and mixes from some smashers - soundclash demon Chimpo, Dub Phizics & Zed Bias; and it's long overdue. Manchester loves you, man. Go and fully do your thing.

Anyway, I'll shut up now and let him do the talking.

Dot2Dot EP is out now; it's been unleashed, it's chasing you right now and running round your living room, jumping on your sofas. So, succumb to the dark side and take in the light.


Shout out to BRICKS on keys, Joe drums, Ben bass, Wez sax and Ali guitar. Plus FOX on vocal delicacies. You literally must get down to a live-band performance from these guys.

Hip-hop just comes alive.

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