Oui, oui

Oui, oui

Wednesday 30 November 2011

Strike II

So this time last June I was writing about my first ever bonafide strike - wahay!! Well here I am again, only this time it’s not just the NUT – THIS TIME most public sector unions have called for action. In the same fashion as preceding arguments, the bee in everyone’s bonnet is the understanding on behalf of our government that they can pay for the mistakes made, with the savings of the working class.

It is impossible to believe that in 2011, with the transparency that the internet and world media offers, that those in power can continue to promote such a dichotomy between the rich and the poor. The public services will be scape-goated in an effort to brush under the carpet, the debt that we’re suffering. Why not shave a couple million off of the packets for ‘top’ consultants, halt all moat cleaning activities and stop feeding your ducks caviar? Maybe under these circumstances we can believe that you are ‘doing everything you can’ to get us out of this mess.

Fear not though, ladies and gentlemen. Change comes slowly. Sometimes you have to go backwards to push forwards. Is that why the status of society has returned to resemble that of the Victorian Ages? But guys, this is not an excuse to start throwing your shit out of the window onto the street. The point here is that for a while now, us lot have been at the bottom – of expectations, opportunity and a second-thought when we deserve one. However, we do have so much more fun in life. Think of Shameless, and the poetry of the beat era, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels – I reckon we have a better time down here.

Essentially, it’s important we fight for reform; but let us also remember that we may face disappointment on the path to success. So in between now and utopia, let’s come together and have fun. I vote a big public sector spoon in the park, in onesies eating pop-tarts. Lighten up everyone, we’re just making a stand, that’s all!

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